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Dog Threw Up Pink Foam: Causes, Symptoms, and What You Should Do?

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Dogs are just another family member of the house, and it’s heartbreaking for the entire family when they get sick or ill.

One common sign they show of being sick is they vomit, and you should know that dogs vomit a lot, and most of the time, they vomit without any reason.

But if your dog throws up pink foam, it is an alarm that something is wrong and they need immediate attention.

Your canine partner throwing up pink foam could be for many reasons, and sometimes those reasons can be serious.

You did the right thing by looking this up to gather proper information, as this can get serious and might pose a health risk for your canine partner.

In this article, we will discuss why your dog vomited a pink-colored foam, what it means, and what to do if you face this situation.

Pink Vomit Colors and What They May Mean?

Pink Vomit Colors and What they may Mean

If your dog vomits a pink-colored foam and it is the first time you see them throw up in this color, head straight to the veterinarian and get your pet tested.

While pink foamed vomit in dogs can be for many reasons, every reason can be severe. Dogs vomit in different colors, and all the colors indicate some issues in their body.

Pink color vomit and foamed type mean your dog has thrown up something mixed with blood or old blood in the stomach are now coming out as vomit, and when you do not know why blood is coming, seek medical help.

Dogs also throw up pink-colored foam when they have consumed something toxic, or sometimes they have an allergic reaction; in either case, do not delay and ask for medical help.

Pink color foam is also seen in dog vomits when they have a large amount of bile present in their stomach, and it causes dogs to throw up.

9 Causes of Dog Pink Vomit

There can be various causes of a dog’s pink vomit, and every pet owner should know what exactly to do when their pet starts throwing up this type of foam to prevent anything like this from happening, and if this happens, take suitable action without any delay.

Below are some reasons why dogs vomit in pink color foam.

1. Eating Toxic Things

Eating toxic things

Most vomit happens in dogs because of their eating habits. Dogs eat anything and everything regardless of whether it should be eaten.

Sometimes we do not pay attention to what can be toxic to dogs thinking it is absolutely fine for them to chew it, but that’s where something toxic is consumed.

Eating unhealthy food or toxic can cause them to vomit pink blood as old blood stains come out or even red blood when it irritates the stomach.

Food like cooked bone should not be given to dogs as it can tear their digestive tract and be lethal. Always check with a veterinarian whether you should give your dog a cooked bone or not.

Raisins, garlic, and Onion are also very fatal to dogs. Whether raw or cooked, allium family eatables can cause issues with blood cells and irritate the intestines and other internal organs.

Raisins or grapes can be dangerous and induce strokes that can result in liver failures and kidney failures.

Other prohibited food items for dogs that can cause pink vomit or result in significant health issues are alcohol, macadamia nuts, chives, and chocolates.

2. Internal Parasites

One other reason for pink-colored vomit is because of the parasites that lead to improper digestion.

These parasites can also damage their intestine and digestive tract leading to various other diseases like diarrhea, blood in vomits, feces or stool, and lethargy.

There are different types of parasites in dogs, such as roundworms (Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina), heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis), tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia species, and Echinococcus species), hookworms (Ancylostoma).

If you think your dog may have developed parasites inside them, rush to a veterinarian and get it treated as soon as possible.

3. Ulcers


When a dog’s internal organs are affected, they may vomit in different color liquids, including pink, red, and brown fluid vomits.

Increased gastric acid production in dogs causes ulcers and even liver failures. Regular use of high-dose medicines can cause ulcers in dogs, and it causes a lot of pain in dogs leading to significant life risks if left untreated for long periods of time.

4. Bilious Vomit

When dogs throw up bile, it is referred to as bilious vomiting, and bile is thrown up by dogs mostly because they have not eaten anything at night and bile vomiting in the morning. The throw can be pink or green in color.

Bile vomiting occurs when the bile gets leaked from the small intestine to the stomach, and through the mouth, it comes out. It generally happens because of nausea and improper functioning of the digestive system.

This also happens when a dog has eaten a lot of grass or has consumed a lot of water or fat-containing food.

Other reasons for having pink foam vomiting include:

  • Excessive Gas
  • Digestive Complications
  • Blood Clots
  • Parvovirus
  • Gastritis

What to Do if Your Dog Throwing Up Pink Foam?

Dog vomiting pink foam is not usual, and when this happens, there are certain things you should do to prevent the reoccurrence of this and determine the reason why it happened in the first place.

1. Be Calm

Be Calm

Your dogs see you as their leader, and when you start to panic when anything unusual happens, they tend to follow you and start panicking, which may even worsen their situation.

Remaining calm allows you to assess the situation, and then you can find a solution.

2. Examine the Vomit

Carefully examine the vomit and the color of the vomit. If green, brown, or yellow color vomit is there, it may be because of the diet, or they might have eaten grass or dirt outside, and that’s why the color occurs in the vomit.

If the vomit has orange, red, or pink in color, think back at the diet dog has eaten, and if there is nothing red in the food consumed, then look closely and try to see the tiny red clots as the blood should be visible to you.

3. Scan Your Dog’s Mouth

Scan your Dog’s Mouth

Immediately as you see the red or pink color in the throw-up, check the mouth and other parts of the mouth, such as teeth, tongue, and throat, as any sharp objects eaten or chewed can also result in pink vomit.

4. Gather the Vomit for Further Analysis

Carefully try to collect the vomit in a plastic container or a plastic bag for future examination purposes.

The sample comes in very handy when looking for the problem; vets find it easy to check up and run a diagnosis when they see the issue in front of them.

It will be even better if you can also click a photo before collecting the sample.

5. Report to a Veterinarian

Report to a Veterinarian

After you have completed all the steps mentioned, report to the veterinarian along with the samples, photos, and details you have of the vomiting.

They will then run tests and let you know why it happened, and you can take preventive measures on that basis.


Q: Can dogs bile pink?

Yes, pink bile may happen, but it is mostly because there is blood in the vomit turning the color of vomit into pink.

Q: What causes pink vomit in dogs?

Improper digestion, consumption of toxic food, and internal parasites are some reason why dog vomits in pink color.

Q: Can I give water to dogs after they vomit?

Water and food in large amounts can harm their already upset tummy. Water can be given in small quantities at regular intervals to keep them hydrated.


Dogs getting sick can be stressful, especially when you do not know the reason behind it. When dogs vomit a pink-colored foam, it is hard to understand what’s the cause of it.

This article helps you understand why your dog is vomiting a pink-colored foam liquid and what probably has caused it, and what to do if you face this situation.

Take preventive measures to avoid this health risk and follow the steps mentioned above for effective treatment.

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