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Spotting Moles on Dogs: Signs, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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You might have observed some dark spots that may be flat or raised, mostly around the neck, chest, or back of your dogs.

Moles in dogs are common but not as common as in humans. Moles in dogs are generally treated by surgical methods.

Moles in dogs are often harmless, but if there are changes in their size, shape, or any other form, they must be checked by a veterinarian.

You are in the right article if you are worried about your dog having moles or want to know the signs, diagnosis, or treatment.

This read will provide complete information regarding moles in dogs and every need-to-know detail.

Can Dogs get Moles?

Can Dogs get Moles?

Yes, dogs can develop moles, and it is very common, especially for dark-pigmented skin dogs, just as not common as humans.

Most often, they are not harmful, but as in human cases, changes in shape, size, or color in moles can be a sign of some disease and must be checked as soon as possible.

A mole, also called a nevus, is found on dogs’ body parts that are prone to trauma, such as the neck, chest, or back, especially in older dogs.

Does my Dog have Moles?

Does my Dog have Moles?

Determining if your dog has moles could be tricky. Normal moles do not display significant discomfort and are hard to notice at first.

Moles are different from skin tags. Moles are broad and flat with a dark texture and sizes around a quarter inch in diameter.

They develop in both male and female dogs, although male dogs tend to have them more often than their female counterparts.

Mast cell tumors, carcinoma, and malignant melanoma are three types of cancerous skin lesions that are confused with moles but are not.

Also, ticks are confused with moles due to their similar appearance, and people try to pull that off the dog’s skin, thinking it is a tick. Use magnifying equipment to determine, and if unsure, visit a veterinarian.

Ticks have legs out and can be recognized by this, but if you try and pull out a mole thinking it’s a tick, it will be painful, cause irritation to your dog, and may result in bleeding.

To be cautious, it’s always wise to get your dog checked to determine if your dog has developed a mole or something else, as things looking like a mole can be a cancerous tumor.

Why do Moles Grow in Pets?

There seems to be no exact reason why moles and other similar diseases like skin tag develops in dogs, but there are some factors that may lead to these skin irregularities. They are:



The easiest way for your dog to develop moles is through genetics. These moles or skin issues generally run in the family, and some dogs are more prone to get this than other breeds.

Check-ups and tests prior to adoption can show if the dog has been exposed to some diseases or irregularities. Breeds like Golden Retrievers, Irish Setters Dobermans are some dogs who tend to develop mole more often.

Medicinal Side Effects

Medicinal Side Effects

Some medicines have side effects that can lead to skin infections, moles, skin tags, and other irregularities.

Age Factor

Age is also a factor, as older dogs tend to get moles more often than small dogs. Moles develop from the age of 5 to 11 years.

How do I Treat my Dog’s Moles?

How do I Treat my Dog’s Moles?

The benign moles are often harmless and do not require much treatment until the dog is feeling discomfort or the moles start changing their size or shape.

If the vet feels the need to treat the mole or it occurs to be a fatal disease like cancerous, then the mole can be removed surgically by giving just anesthesia or painlessly frozen by cryosurgery.

After surgery, your dog can get back to a regular routine. Dogs might need an e-collar around their neck or the surgical area to prevent them from scratching or licking the surgical wound.

Are Moles Similar in Dogs and Humans?

Moles are mostly similar in all species, be they animals or humans. Dog moles are very similar to humans.

Most moles appear early in a person’s life, meaning that animals with shorter lifespans will typically develop their moles in the same space of time that humans do.

In canines, moles growth has melanin in a higher concentration level around the surrounding tissue, making the color of the mole darker.

Moles in both humans and animals can turn out to be cancerous, and any irregularities should be brought to medical attention without delay.


Q. When should my dog see a vet for a mole?

A: If a mole is changing its shape, size, or color, then you should see a veterinarian. If the mole is in a place that bothers the dog, you can remove it easily.

Q. Is it OK for dogs to have moles?

Yes, it is totally okay for dogs to have moles. Moles in dogs generally appear in the chest, face, or back of the body.
It is mainly unharmful, and it is up to you if you want to remove it.

Q. How do you stop a mole from bleeding on a dog?

To stop the bleeding, take a clean towel or cotton cloth and apply pressure on the mole. When the bleeding stops, clean it with mildly warm water.
Stopping the bleeding also depends on the type of wound; minor cuts can be stopped by applying pressure. Big cuts will take time; while applying pressure, take the dog to a veterinarian.
Bleeding from moles can happen if your dog has scratched or bitten the mole or a cut from sharp objects.


Your canine partner can develop moles, which are very common and harmless. This article provided information about the signs, diagnosis, and treatment of moles in dogs.

We hope reading this article clears your doubt about why dogs have moles, how you can treat them, and whether it is dangerous or not.

If your dog develops a mole, check them frequently and take them to a veterinarian if any changes take place in moles.

Till then, take care and happy petting.

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