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What if My Dog Licks Silver Sulfadiazine? 4 Risks and Recommended Actions

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Dogs are just like toddlers who like to play a lot, do not listen to you while playing, and get into trouble every now and then.

Many people do not know that dogs’ skin is also very sensitive. Although they can take a bit of roughness, they are soft and prone to cut, sore, or burn very easily. If your dog has suffered sore or burned skin, a veterinarian will likely prescribe a Silver Sulfadiazine Cream 1% to treat the wound.

There is a lot of information online about silver sulfadiazine cream and whether it should be used on dogs or not. Some of them are even dubious in providing precise information.

In this article, we will learn about the use of silver sulfadiazine cream in dogs, what are the potential risks if your dog ingests it, and what you should do next.

Read along to benefit from the article and provide safeguards to your furry partners.

What is Silver Sulfadiazine?

What is Silver Sulfadiazine

Silver Sulfadiazine is a cream invented by bacteriologist Dr. Charles L Fox Jr in 1969, primarily to treat burn wounds of the second and third degree. Due to its effectiveness in treating these wounds, it quickly became popular all over the globe.

It is an anti-bacterial cream that is applied to the external part of the skin to stop burns and sores from getting infected by bacteria or yeast. If left untreated, the burn wounds or sores are covered by yeast, preventing them from healing and causing infections. Silver Sulfadiazine is very efficient in preventing this.

Is Silver Sulfadiazine Danger for My Dog?

Silver Sulfadiazine should only be used on dogs if and only if it is recommended by a veterinarian. The prescribed amount can be used on dogs, as per the usage Instructions by the vet.

There are some areas on a dog’s body that should be avoided when applying silver sulfadiazine. At no time should you apply silver sulfadiazine in or around a dog’s:

  • Ears
  • Eyes
  • Mouth
  • Nose

Using silver sulfadiazine cream in or around the above-mentioned body parts of a dog can cause severe issues in them.

However, this cream can be used in other parts of a dog’s body. They are:

  • A Dog’s Back
  • The base of a dog’s tail
  • Around a dog’s belly
  • At the dog’s bum and rear areas
  • Dog’s Head
  • Around a dog’s thighs and legs
  • At their neck
  • Their little paws

1. Amount to be Used

It is important to use the silver sulfadiazine cream in the amount prescribed by the veterinarian and precisely as per their instructions.

It is generally advised to use the silver sulfadiazine cream in as small amounts as possible. If the burning or the wound is large, try softly and gently dabbing it a little and applying just enough cream to the wound, and spread it across gently.

Applying too much cream always poses a risk of ingestion by dogs as they try to lick it off, as they do with all other things they find unique or anything which invokes curiosity in them.

4 Potential Risks of Ingesting Silver Sulfadiazine

4 Potential Risks of Ingesting Silver Sulfadiazine

There are some risks of ingesting silver sulfadiazine cream, and hence, it is vital to monitor your dog if you have applied the cream to the wounds.

Some of the potential risks of silver sulfadiazine ingestion in dogs are:

  • Coughing: They will start coughing, and if it’s just once, then it’s natural, but if the coughing continues, it’s a matter of concern.
  • Diarrhea: The immediate effect of silver sulfadiazine consumption in dogs is diarrhea, and it will be pretty gross if it continues. If your dog is having diarrhea, contact a veterinarian.
  • Itching: Another health issue of licking or ingesting silver sulfadiazine is itching. It will itch around different areas of your dog’s body. Stop them from scratching and call a vet’s office right away.
  • Non-Healing: If the applied silver sulfadiazine is licked or washed away, it will prevent the wound from healing. It will also cause bacterial infections in and around the wounds.

My Dog Licks Silver Sulfadiazine: What Should I do?

If you are sure that your dog has licked silver sulfadiazine, then it is a matter of concern and requires immediate medical assistance. Following are some steps you should take if you think your dog has licked or ingested silver sulfadiazine.

1. Do not Panic

The first thing a pet owner does in this condition is start panicking, which should be avoided. Looking at you, your dog will also start panicking, which will make the case even worse.

2. Evaluate the Situation

Start by staying calm, assessing the situation of the wounds, and analyzing how much silver sulfadiazine has been consumed by your dog. Also, please make a note of the time and amount of the medication ingested by the dog and if your dog is showing any side effects.

3. Call a Veterinarian

If you observe any irregularities or discomfort in your dog’s behavior or side effects like diarrhea or coughing, call a veterinarian immediately and let them know of the situation, along with the time and amount of silver sulfadiazine ingestion, as noted earlier.

The veterinarian will give you some instructions; pen it down and follow those instructions precisely. If they ask for a visit, take your dog to the clinic immediately.

4. Do not try Home Remedies

My Dog Licks Silver Sulfadiazine: What Should I do

It is best not to try home remedies if your dog is showing signs of discomfort or illness. In many cases, home remedies can lead to even bigger and more severe problems.

Do not try to induce vomiting. Inducement of vomiting or any such calls should be made by a veterinarian so seek their advice and follow to prevent any unwanted issues.

Prevention Tips for Pet Owners

Once you have read all the information about silver sulfadiazine, you are now aware of the health issue and the impact it can have on dogs if ingested.

Even the smallest amount of ingestion through licking or other ways can create discomfort in dogs. It is very important to take precautionary measures and safeguard your dogs from any incident.

Below are some points which you can take into consideration to avoid any such issues:

1. Keep Silver Sulfadiazine away from Dogs

It is very important to keep the medication from a dog’s reach. A dog will try and eat anything they find unique or strange.

They find the packaging and the cover of silver sulfadiazine very weird and will take it in their mouth to taste it, which can be very dangerous.

2. Keep the Cream in Check

The wound where you put the silver sulfadiazine can be licked by the dog as they sometimes feel a sensation or an irritation due to the cream in their furs and skin.

Keep a check on the cream applied and try to prevent it from washing off by any means.

3. Dispose of the Silver Sulfadiazine Waste

Many people casually throw the used or empty silver sulfadiazine tube, box, or waste which remains exposed.

The cream tubes, bottles, or sachets should not be left open as they may leak, and if your dog gets in contact with it, it may be very harmful.

How to Apply Silver Sulfadiazine in Dogs?

How to Apply Silver Sulfadiazine in Dogs

Applying silver sulfadiazine in dogs is a critical task, as you do not want to harm the wounds while applying the cream.

Start by wearing gloves and washing your hands, as you do not want to infect the wounds. Always be careful while applying, and prevent your eyes, nose, and other sensitive areas while wearing gloves.

Applying the correct amount of cream around the right areas is important. Try applying it in the daytime and observe it a few times at first. Do not try to apply the cream at night time as they can lick it off.

Silver sulfadiazine can be used for wounds arising from:

  • Any kind of burns
  • Scratches from a fight with a fellow pet, be it a cat or dog
  • Mosquitoes or flea bites
  • Extensive scratching or itching
  • Cuts or sores in paws

Do not apply this cream on wounds that are very deeply open or newly cut with bleeding. And any pregnant or ill dogs should not be treated with silver sulfadiazine until prescribed by a veterinarian.


Q: Can you put silver sulfadiazine on an open wound of a dog?

No, silver sulfadiazine should not be used on a deep open wound. It is used to treat minor scratches and burns, but nothing deep and bleeding.

Q: How many times a day can you use silver sulfadiazine cream?

Ideally, applying silver sulfadiazine once or twice a day is good enough and will start healing the wound. Do not try to over-apply the wound, and limit the amount to 1/16 of an inch thick.

Q: Can you put silver sulfadiazine on a pregnant dog?

No, you should refrain from using silver sulfadiazine on pregnant dogs. Always consult a veterinarian before giving any kind of medication or home remedies to a dog, whether pregnant or not.


If your dog has a wound, it is very likely that a veterinarian will prescribe silver sulfadiazine to quick the healing. If you are unsure what it is, this article will help you understand everything about it.

Reading this article, you will learn whether silver sulfadiazine is safe for dogs, what you should do if your dog licks silver sulfadiazine, and prevention steps pertaining to this.

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