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Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon? Let’s Find Out

Checked by Calvin Howard

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Is it often that when you eat cinnamon scones, your dog looks at you with its large round eyes? It seems like they’re begging to have it?

If your answer is “yes,” then the chances are that you have wondered, “Can dogs have cinnamon?”

As you’re a parent of a pup, you might already know that certain foods, including grapes and chocolates, can be toxic for dogs. And this reason alone is enough to make you cautious about cinnamon.

We understand, and so, we won’t judge you. After all, we all love our pups!

So, can dogs have cinnamon?

In this post, we will discuss all about cinnamon and dogs.

Read on to get answers to all your questions!

All about Cinnamon

So, what exactly is cinnamon?

Well, it’s a small tree that grows in Egypt, Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and India. First, people dry the bark of the tree and then roll it into cinnamon sticks. These are also known as quills. After that, it is grounded into powdered form.

Different types of cinnamon

Different types of cinnamon

The two most common types of cinnamon are Cassia and Ceylon.

  • Ceylon cinnamon

This variety of cinnamon is known as “true cinnamon.” It comes in the color brown.

And the taste of it is delightful. Now, if you compare it to cassia cinnamon, it’s pricier and is available in better quality. But, unfortunately, this type of cinnamon is rare too.

  • Cassia cinnamon

This variant of cinnamon is available in color dark red. Compared to the Ceylon cinnamon, it is more common. So, you can get it at a lower price.

However, quality-wise, Ceylon is better.

The texture of cassia is somewhat rough, and the sticks you get in the market are pretty thick.

In this variety of cinnamon, there’s a substance named coumarin.

This substance contains in some other plants too.

Did we tell you that it can kill certain animals, including dogs?

Now, don’t get scared, as accidents happen only if the animals have them in huge quantities.

And the amount of coumarin that is generally found in cassia is not so much that it can cause death to your pup.

However, the presence of coumarin in cassia makes Ceylon cinnamon a better choice when it comes to feeding your dog.

Is It Safe to Feed Cinnamon to Dogs?

Is It Safe to Feed Cinnamon to Dogs?

If you feed cinnamon to your furry friend in a moderate amount, then it shouldn’t lead to any serious issues. You can even mix it with other food products as that is not harmful to your pup too.

However, other than the dog food, if you feed your dog anything fatFatening, spicy or uncommon, there’s always a chance of having an upset stomach.

What if your pup accidentally inhales some cinnamon powder while sniffing it?

Don’t worry if they snort or sneeze. It’s nothing serious. You might react the same way if you had inhaled cinnamon powder.

However, if your beloved pup inhales a large amount of cinnamon powder, they might suffer from respiratory irritation.

Is Cinnamon Toxic for Your Dog?

The short answer is “no.” Cinnamon is not toxic for your pup. 

If you feed cinnamon to your pup, they will not suffer from some fatal toxic effects.

But that doesn’t mean that you’ll sprinkle cinnamon on everything that they eat!

According to the Pet Poison Helpline, cinnamon and cinnamon oils can cause digestive and skin irritation and sensitization in people and pets. This is for cases when you or your pet consume this in large quantities.

The Ground cinnamon, cinnamon in baked products, cinnamon essential oils, and cinnamon sticks all can lead to ingestion.

If your pup eats cinnamon essential oil or ground cinnamon, and if they chew on cinnamon sticks, it can cause irritation in their mouth.

And in case your furry friend inhales a lot of cinnamon powder, it can cause them to choke or cough, and they might have difficulty in breathing.

Benefits of Cinnamon for Dogs

Benefits of Cinnamon for Dogs

Is there any benefit of feeding cinnamon to your dog?

The answer is, “not one but many.”

So, what are they?

Come, have a look!

  • Improves brain function

In one study, the test subjects were given cinnamon to sniff. The result showed that they had improved brain function after inhaling cinnamon. In addition, they performed better at paying attention and memory.

Now, are you trying to teach some new tricks to your furry buddy?

Then using cinnamon might help!

  • Prevents yeast infections

Another study reveals that cinnamon has excellent anti-fungal properties. So if you use it for combating Candida albicans, it can work wonders.

Now, what is Candida albicans?

Well, this is the fungus that is responsible for yeast infections.

These infections are often known to resist medication. However, when it comes to cinnamon, they don’t fight it.

Does your pup have allergies?

Then know that they are susceptible to yeast infections.

  • Prevents diabetes

Did you know that if you feed half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day to your pup, it can regulate their blood sugar? And it can raise their insulin resistance too?

Well, a recent study shows this.

Cinnamon can give your pup’s body’s ability a huge boost. This allows them to use insulin to improve their levels of blood glucose.

This is important for dogs that are at risk for diabetes. And this includes overweight and senior dogs.

So, in case you’re already giving a low glycemic index dog food to your beloved pup, know that you can feed them cinnamon too.

  • Helps with arthritis

Are you a parent to a senior pup who is struggling with arthritis?

Well, cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties that can be great for dogs having arthritis.

You can try giving your pup a tablespoon of honey mixed with a half-teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

The researchers at Copenhagen University have used this mixture to treat arthritis patients who were struggling with arthritis. They were given this mixture every day for a week. And after that, they were able to walk without pain.

There are other studies that suggest that cinnamon has the power to slow down the growth of lymphoma cancer and leukemia cells. Also, it can lower the levels of LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.

  • Improves bad breath

Is your pup’s breath terrible? Do you want to fix it quickly?

Rub some cinnamon powder on your dog’s gum. And you’re done!

  • Keeps your dog food fresh for long

Cinnamon has antibacterial properties. And hence, it can slow down the spoilage of your dog’s food.

So, before refrigerating your pup’s food, you can take half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and sprinkle it over.

Here’s a side note:- Don’t refrigerate your pup’s food in a can if you want to preserve palatability. Instead, take a spoon and scoop the food into a glass storage container that has a plastic top.

In unpasteurized juices, there can be the growth of E. Coli bacteria. However, studies have shown that cinnamon can prevent that too.

Is There Any Risk of Feeding Cinnamon to Dogs?

Cinnamon doesn’t cause any risk to your pup. However, as with all other food, if you feed too much cinnamon to your dog, it can be bad for them.

It can cause the following side effects if you feed them too much of this spice:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Liver disease
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Low blood sugar

How Much Cinnamon Should You Feed Your Dog?

In most cases, problems arise when you feed more than one teaspoon of cinnamon to your dog.

However, if you feed cinnamon essential oils to your furry buddy, problems can occur even in smaller dosages.

Also, if you have a smaller breed of dog, they will be more sensitive to small amounts of cinnamon than bigger breeds of dogs.

Don’t panic if your pup ingests a large amount of cinnamon. The spice is not toxic for dogs. However, it can cause some side effects.

If you want to give cinnamon to your pup, it is always recommended that you consult your vet.

Can Your Dog Eat Cinnamon Rolls, Other Baked Goods, or Cinnamon in Other Foods?

Can Your Dog Eat Cinnamon Rolls, Other Baked Goods, or Cinnamon in Other Foods?

We have already told you that cinnamon is not toxic for your pup.

But, still, don’t share your cinnamon-baked food with your dog. These baked treats contain a lot of other ingredients that can be poisonous to your canine buddy. The most common ingredients include cocoa powder or chocolate, nutmeg, some nuts, raisins, xylitol, sugar, and butter.

  • Cinnamon rolls

If you plan to feed just a little of any cinnamon-flavored food, it won’t create any problem as such.

Now, talking about cinnamon rolls, they are not poisonous for your furry buddy. However, they do contain a lot of fat and sugar.

Does your pup have a sensitive stomach?

Then eating this can lead to gastrointestinal problems for them.

  • Pumpkin spice

You can find cinnamon in a lot of baked food, such as pumpkin pie. Also, when you visit the dog food aisle of the supermarket, you can find it in drinks and loads of pumpkin spice and cinnamon-flavored food items. Unfortunately, these are often sugary and can add up to your pup’s daily calories.

  • Cinnamon toast crunch

If your pup eats cereal, raisin would be a huge concern, as it is toxic to dogs.

However, raisin is not there in cinnamon toast crunch. And so, giving it to your pup occasionally is not a problem.

  • Other desserts

When you’re looking for food items containing cinnamon, watch out for other potentially harmful ingredients for your pup. This includes the sugar substitute xylitol, chocolate, and macadamia nuts.

If you feed these foods to your furry buddy, make sure to keep the amount very little.

Today, most dogs are suffering from obesity, and you don’t want your pup to be one of them, right?

According to vets, in order to prevent obesity, make sure not to feed your pup more than 10% of their daily calories as treats or food outside of meals.

How to Feed Cinnamon to Your Dog?

Well, you can give cinnamon to your pup in little amounts.

From time to time, you can mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon with food. This amount is enough to get benefitted from all the good things that it offers.

Also, you can prepare some canine-friendly cinnamon buns at home or choose to give them other cinnamon-baked treats at home. Your pup will love it!

What if Your Dog is Allergic to Cinnamon?

Just as humans, not all dogs are the same. And this is why there may be dogs that are allergic to cinnamon.

Is your pup one of them?

Then the following are some substitutes that you can use instead of cinnamon:

  • Rosemary
  • Parsley
  • Basil
  • Turmeric and
  • Ginger

What to Do if Your Dog Eats Too Much Cinnamon?

Cinnamon has certain health benefits. It has a lot of antioxidants and some anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral effects. Besides, it also helps in regulating the blood sugar level in dogs.

There is no issue if your dog eats a modest amount of cinnamon.

Cinnamon is spicy and has a lot of flavors. Dogs are attracted to this flavor and may try to consume food items with cinnamon. But if your dog consumes cinnamon in large quantities, should you be concerned then?

Your dog is not in danger from cinnamon, but you may consult your vet to be safer. Besides, the side effects of cinnamon might be heavy on your dog’s stomach, and your vet’s suggestions may help your dog to recover.

Other Common Spices to Watch Out for

Other Common Spices to Watch Out for

While it’s okay for your dog to have cinnamon in very small amounts, it is not the only spice in your kitchen that you want to keep away from your dog. There are some others too!

Read on.

#1. Nutmeg

You might already know that cinnamon and nutmeg are complementary spices. But refrain from giving both of these together to your pup. There is myristicin in nutmeg. It is a naturally occurring compound found in nutmeg and plants such as peyote, parsley, and dill.

This myristicin can be toxic for your canine companion. And it can lead to conditions such as:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Abdominal pain
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Hallucinations
  • Drowsiness and
  • Disorientation

The good news is that, in order to experience myristicin poisoning, your dog would have to consume a large amount of nutmeg. So, if you feed only a small amount of it, it will not cause any extreme conditions.

In case you suspect that your four-legged friend has consumed nutmeg or any baked product that has nutmeg as an ingredient, call your vet immediately.

#2. Salt and pepper

Now, if we talk about black pepper, it’s not toxic for your dog. However, if your pup ingests it in a large amount, it can lead to stomach issues such as diarrhea or gas.

Coming to white salt, it’s not actually a spice. In fact, it’s a mineral. So we suggest keeping it away from your dog.

Just as cinnamon, salt can only be dangerous for your dog if they consume it in an excess amount. Then it can lead to issues such as increased heart diseases and a rise in blood pressure.

#3. Garlic and onion powders

Always make sure to keep garlic and onions away from your four-legged friend.

And this goes for their powdered forms too.

Store them in a safe spot where your pup can’t reach them.

The same rule is for anything in the onion family, including chives, scallions, shallots, and any other dried onion products.

Some DIY Cinnamon Dog Treats

Some DIY Cinnamon Dog Treats

Did you know that you can make cinnamon dog treats at home?

Try these recipes out!

#1. Snickerdoodle cinnamon dog treats


  • 2 teaspoons of powdered cinnamon
  • 3 cups of flour made from brown rice
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup honey

How to make?

  • Set 375°F temperature and preheat the oven
  • Take a parchment paper, line a cookie sheet with it, and set it aside
  • Take a bowl and pour all the ingredients into it. Now mix them well with a hand or a stand mixer. Stop when the dough comes together. If the dough is too dry, you can add more water until it’s moist enough. While adding water, don’t add more than one tablespoon at a time.
  • Take about one tablespoon of the prepared dough. Roll it into a ball. In diameter, it should be about 1 inch. Now flatten it using your palm. It should be about half-inch in thickness.
  • Place the flattened dough on the prepared cookie sheet
  • Continue the process until there’s no dough left
  • Now bake them for 20 minutes. Or, you can bake until you see the treats turning golden brown in color.
  • Take them out of your oven and let them cool completely
  • You can give one to your pup when they are freshly baked. Or, at room temperature, you can store them in an airtight container

Note: As the snickerdoodle cinnamon dog treats are homemade treats and don’t contain any preservatives, you can’t store them for a long period of time. You can store them in an airtight container for about 2 to 3 weeks and not more than that.

#2. Cinnamon and honey dog treat cookies


  • ½ cup of milk, preferably lactose-free
  • 1 and ½ cups of whole wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

How to make?

  • Switch on the oven and preheat it to 350° F
  • Take a cookie tray and line it with a parchment paper
  • Now take a mixing bowl. Pour all the ingredients into it and mix them well
  • Sprinkle some flour on a flat surface and place the dough over it. Knead gently
  • Roll the dough out. Keep the thickness to about ¼ inch.
  • Take a sharp knife or a cookie cutter, cut out the shapes, and place them on your cookie tray.
  • Repeat this process until you have used all the dough
  • Now bake them for about 20 minutes or until they turn golden brown in color
  • Take the cookies out of your oven, place them on to a wire cooling rack and let them cool
  • Once they are completely cooled, you can either store them in an airtight container or a zip lock bag. If you store them in a refrigerator, they’ll last for a long time. Finish them within 2 to 3 weeks

#3. Oat cinnamon apple dog treats


  • 2 full apples
  • 3 cups of oats
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 teaspoons of powdered cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (optional)

How to make?

  • Take 2 cups of oats and place them in a food processor. Grind it until you get a flour-like consistency
  • Take a large mixing bowl and pour the powdered oats into it
  • Chop the apples roughly. Make sure to remove the core and the seeds. Now grind it in the food processor. It should look like apple sauce. While some chunks are fine, you may require scraping down the sides. Now pour the apple mixture into the mixing bowl
  • In the mixing bowl, pour the remaining 1 cup of whole oats, flaxseed, honey, and cinnamon. Mix all these well. If you find the mixture to be too wet, you can add some more oats. And if you find the mixture to be too dry, you can add some more water or honey
  • Switch on the oven and preheat it to 350°F
  • Dust the surface lightly with flour or ground oats if the mixture is somewhat sticky. Roll out the dough to about ¼ inch thick. Make use of your favorite cookie cutter and cut out the shapes of the dog treats.
  • Line the baking sheet with parchment paper. Or, you can use a silicone baking mat. Place the shaped treats on it.
  • Bake it for 15 to 20 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave the cookies inside. Let them be there for two hours. This is to make the cookies crunchier. However, if you want the cookies to be soft and not crunchy, take them out of the oven when you turn the oven off. Let them cool
  • Take an airtight container and store the dog treats in it. If you keep them in the refrigerator, they will stay for two weeks.

Note: The number of cookies will depend on the size of the cookie cutter you use. And, of course, on the thickness of the dough. The amount of the ingredients that we have listed here can make 26 dog treats that are of 2-inch circles. The ground or powdered flaxseed that we have used in this treatment is completely optional. However, it would be good if you added it. Flaxseed is a healthy ingredient. It is full of fiber and contains anti-inflammatory properties. And for oats, you can use any kinds that you normally use in your home.

So, which cinnamon treat are you going to bake for your four-legged buddy?


What happens if a dog eats cinnamon?

As such, cinnamon isn’t toxic for dogs, but if ingested in large amounts, it can cause digestive issues, including diarrhea and vomiting. Besides, cinnamon can also alter heart rate and lower blood sugar levels in your dog.

How much cinnamon can hurt a dog?

According to experts, if your dog ingests more than one teaspoon of cinnamon, it can create digestive problems. The excellent news is cinnamon won’t kill your dog, although cinnamon consumption in large quantities may prove fatal to puppies.

Can I sprinkle cinnamon on my dog’s food?

No, whether dry food like kibbles or wet food, you should not sprinkle on your dog’s food. Although cinnamon is not toxic to adult dogs, it can create digestive issues in your dog.

Why does my dog love cinnamon?

Cinnamon is one of the most aromatic spices around, and dogs love the flavor of cinnamon. Although cinnamon has some health benefits, it can upset your dog’s stomach, so dogs should not be given cinnamon.

Can a dog eat cinnamon Toast Crunch?

Cinnamon Toast Crunch has lots of additives and is high in sugar content. Neither of these ingredients will improve your dog’s health. But as long as your dog has a little amount of cinnamon toast crunch, it won’t cause any harm to your dog.

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