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Can Dogs Eat Sugar Snap Peas? | All You Need to Know

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Have you come home from the farmer’s market with a bag full of fresh sugar snap peas?

Do you want to share it with your furry buddy?

But can dogs eat sugar snap peas?

Most humans love this flavorful vegetable. And not to mention the several healthy nutrients that it contains. This is the reason why you cook sugar snap peas in so many ways, isn’t it?

Now, if you want to share this vegetable with your pup, you might want to know if you can give it to them or if they are harmful to your pup.

We have answered all your queries regarding sugar snap peas and dogs in this post.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Some Facts About Sugar Snap Peas

Some Facts About Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar snap peas are also called snow peas or snap peas. They have a Latin name, that is Pisum satvium.

There can be about three to eight peas in each sugar snap pea pod. The countries where this vegetable is mainly produced include China, Kenya, Peru, Columbia, and Guatemala.

Sugar Snap Peas: Nutritional Value

In 100 grams of sugar snap peas, there are:

  • 2.6 grams of fiber
  • 7.55 grams of carbohydrates
  • 2.8 grams of protein

Can Dogs Eat Sugar Snap Peas?

Can Dogs Eat Sugar Snap Peas

There are several varieties of peas in the market, and sugar snap peas are one of them. All the varieties of peas contain nearly the same nutritional benefits. They are high in fiber, protein, and minerals.

Did you know that this healthy vegetable has only a few calories?

So yes, you can share it with your beloved canine pal.

The peas that are shelled come with more calorie counts than their bare counterparts.

You can get peas in canned form too. Try not to feed them to your doggo.


Because canned peas contain high levels of sodium. You need to look for peas that come sodium-free.

Does the dry fruit bag of your dog not mention which variety of peas is there in it?

Don’t worry. You can feed it to your pup, as it’s safe.

Sugar snap peas are not toxic for your furry buddy. So, in case you want to feed them a few, you can, as it is safe for your pup.

However, there is one thing we would like to tell you. It is not necessary for your pup to have fruits and vegetables included in their diet. But, of course, you can treat them to it on special occasions.

Just make sure that you give them in moderation.

Did you know that you can find peas as an ingredient in many high-quality dog foods?

Benefits of Sugar Snap Peas for Your Dog

If you feed sugar snap peas to your dog, they will have the following benefits:

  • It is a powerful source of a number of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B3, and vitamin B6. Vitamin A helps in increasing the growth of immune cells in your dog. This, in turn, gives a huge boost to your pup’s immunity power. Also, it decreases the symptoms of arthritis.
  • It has folate phosphorous, zinc, potassium, fiber, copper, iron, and magnesium. The fiber content improves your pup’s bowel movement and prevents constipation.
  • It is full of antioxidants such as flavonoids and alpha and beta carotene. These slow down the aging of your dog. Also, they contribute to making your pup’s skin and coat healthy and shiny.
  • It prevents a number of diseases in dogs, such as diabetes.
  • Sugar snap peas contain anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, your dog will have excellent levels of energy.
  • Peas improve your pup’s heart health, bone health, and eyesight. Also, it helps in reducing their cholesterol.
  • Consuming peas will help to treat cancer. Also, it will prevent osteoporosis and aids in stronger bones.

Can Dogs Eat Frozen Peas?

If the peas belong to the variety having the color green, dogs can consume them. The frozen peas can be given in boiled or warmed form. You can even provide your dog with some frozen peas as it is. The frozen peas are crisp and refreshing on any day of summer.

Dogs can certainly take advantage of the nourishment that fruits and veggies offer as part of a well-balanced diet, even if they are only sometimes recommended. 

In addition, numerous herbs, such as celery and peppers, provide delicious and pleasingly crisped treats for our animal friends and have some unexpected beneficial properties.

Peas are one of those vegetables which can be given to dogs. These tiny green balls have few calories. Therefore, they can easily make the dog complete without affecting too much calorie intake.

Peas also tend to be an extremely nutritious food. In addition, they offer vitamins like A, B complex, C, and K. These help keep eyesight, bone strength, and the body’s nervous system intact. 

They contain antioxidants, too, that keep the cells from getting destroyed. These small legumes also contain magnesium and potassium, which are beneficial for a dog’s cardiovascular system. 

In addition, they also comprise folate and iron. Both of these elements are essential for the well-being of their circulatory system.

Despite having all the benefits, you must know how to provide them. Expressly, dogs with kidney problems are strongly prohibited from taking peas in any form.

Finally, frozen vegetables such as frozen carrots or peas are a cheap and practical way to store and prepare vegetables for your dog. As frozen veggies have already been minced or sliced, you must defrost them or prepare them to create delightful meals for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Peas?

Ideally, if you give peas to dogs, they should be fresh, boiled, or cooked. Canned peas are generally not recommended for a dog’s diet, though nutritionally, it is also an option that can be considered.

Several types of peas are available in the market and may also be in your household, including tinned, snap, black-eyed, and chickpea varieties. 

However, do not even presume that every variety of peas will similarly affect your dog while you’re rummaging into your kitchen and unsure whether your dog can enjoy your favorite vegetable alongside you.

Peas are relatively non-toxic to include in your total calorie intake. A vegetable is an excellent option that can provide the dog with a good amount of protein, fiber, several vitamins, and several other micronutrients like potassium, magnesium, iron, etc.

Lutein, an antioxidant, can be beneficial for skin, cardiovascular organs, and eyesight. It can be found in some quantities in peas. But, just like other meals for humans, peas can also have disadvantages.

Purines are one of the chemical compounds which can be present in several foods and beverages, including peas. Uric acid, formed by purines, is finally processed by your dog’s kidneys. A good deposition of uric acid in a dog’s body can eventually result in renal stones and other renal diseases.

Types of Peas Your Dog Can Eat

Types of Peas Your Dog Can Eat

We have already mentioned that your dog can eat sugar snap peas. So let’s discuss that in detail.

You can feed fresh peas to your pup. They have natural sugar. So, when you feed them to your dog, the sugar gets transformed into starch.

In most cases, your dog will have to problem digesting sugar snap peas. In fact, they are the easiest to digest. And your doggo can eat pods too.

That being said, here’s a note of caution.

Not all pods are edible. However, you can do one thing. If you still want to give peas pods to your doggo, chew it yourself. If you don’t have any problem chewing it, you can share it with your pup.

But if you are unable to chew it, don’t share it with your pal. Be extra careful while feeding peas pods to your pup.

You can feed raw peas to your furry buddy. However, they are harder to break down. And in this process, they miss out on some vital nutrients.

You can feed frozen and canned peas to your pup too. Just make sure that they are sodium-free. Too much salt can make your pal dehydrated. Also, it can increase their blood pressure and cause an upset stomach.

Cooked sugar snap peas are safe for your doggo. Just remember to not use any garlic or onion in it. Garlic and onions can be toxic for dogs.

If you are introducing any new food to your dog, always be cautious and see if your dog has any adverse reactions to it, such as diarrhea and vomiting. In case it happens, call your vet immediately.

How Many Sugar Snap Peas can You Give to Your Dog?

How Many Sugar Snap Peas can You Give to Your Dog

As already mentioned, it is not necessary for your dog to have vegetables in its diet. Instead, they need to follow a diet that is high in protein.

Well, we are not saying that you don’t give sugar snap peas to your dog as a treat, especially if they enjoy it.

So, how many sugar snap peas should you give them?

You can feed your dog three to four at a time, once a week, and not every day.

How Can You Feed Sugar Snap Peas to Your Dog?

Now that you have decided to share a few sugar snap peas with your dog, how should you prepare them?

Well, there are several ways.

  • Take a few sugar snap peas, chop them into small pieces, and use them as a topper on your pup’s regular food.
  • Are you preparing food for your doggo at home? Then you can use sugar snap peas as an ingredient. You can use both raw and cooked peas.
  • Grilled sugar snap peas are also an excellent way to give this vegetable to your dog. Grill them for three minutes and coat them with a drop of olive oil.
  • You can give your pup boiled peas too. Take some water in a pan, add the peas to it and boil them for a few minutes until they become bright green in color. Trust us; your pup will love this treat.
  • If you don’t have much time, you can just wash the peas very well and feed your pup.
  • Do you have some leftover sugar snap peas that you cooked for your own dinner? Are you thinking of giving it to your pup? Don’t! Always make sure that the peas you are feeding your furry buddy are free from salt and other seasonings such as garlic, onions, pepper, and lemon juice.

When is Sugar Snap Peas Harmful to Your Dog?

When is Sugar Snap Peas Harmful to Your Dog

If you want to occasionally give your dog a low-calorie treat, sugar snap peas are not a bad option.

However, for some dogs, and in some cases, they are NOT!

  • Does your doggo suffer from kidney problems? They DON’T feed sugar snap peas to them. This vegetable contains a naturally occurring substance, which is known as purines. Uric acid is produced by purines. Now, if your dog has healthy kidneys, they could have filtered it. But too much uric acid can lead to dogs with kidney issues having kidney stones and other problems.
  • If you are feeding any fruit or vegetable to your dog, know that moderation is the key. Too much of it can lead to stomach issues. As a general rule of thumb, vegetables should not make up more than 20% of your pup’s diet.
  • Sugar snap peas are safe for your dog to eat. But avoid giving them canned or any peas that have been salted, seasoned, or cooked using garlic and onions. These can be toxic for your dog. Also, most canned peas contain a very high amount of sodium which is unhealthy for your doggo.
  • Take extra care while feeding peas pods to your furry buddy. They are not toxic, but they can cause some serious hazards. For example, some dogs can eat peas pods easily, while others could possess a choking hazard. Or, it can even cause an internal blockage in your dog. To avoid this situation, you can chop the pods into tiny pieces and then feed them.

So, how did your furry buddy react after eating sugar snap peas? Did they like it?

Let us know in the comments!


Are sugar snap pea plants toxic to dogs?

No, sugar snap pea plants are not toxic to dogs. It has many vitamins like A, B, and K, fibers, and micronutrients, such as iron, zinc, magnesium, etc. It is also suitable for the defensive mechanism of a dog’s physique. However, it should be given once in a while.

How many sugar snap peas can a dog have?

If you give sugar snap peas to your furry friend for the first time, let them eat only one or two. Even if the dog has consumed peas before, more than a tablespoon can harm the digestive system. Only the larger breeds can have a handful of peas.

Can dogs eat sugar snap peas shells?

Yes, dogs can intake sugar snap pea shells. They contain proteins, fibers, and vitamins. They have a good amount of oxygen too. However, ensure to feed them in bite-size; otherwise, they may trigger suffocation when lodged in your dog’s esophagus.

Can dog eat sugar snap peas cooked?

Of course, they can. This, in fact, is one of the easiest ways to feed peas to dogs. However, you must ensure that it should never be flavored with salt, pepper, chopped or powdered garlic, etc. The flavoring agents can cause health problems for them.

Are there any vegetables bad for dogs?

Generally, fruits and veggies are not recommended mainly for a dog’s diet. But you can occasionally provide them as change.

However, some vegetables like leek, onion, or chives of the allium family, nutmeg, or some types of nuts are toxic for them.

What happens if my dog eats sweet peas?

Generally, peas are not harmful to dogs. They can take it once in a while.
But, Aminopropionitrile, a chemical found in sweet peas, can result in fatigue, convulsions, paralysis, and even fatal. A solitary sweet pea seems to have enough aminopropionitrile to affect your dog badly.

Can you eat sugar snap peas raw?

Yes, a dog can eat raw sugar snap peas. Sugar snaps go pretty well with dogs’ digestive systems, which are also suitable for the immune system. However, make sure that you provide them in small amounts. Otherwise, it can affect a dog’s health.

Are snow peas and snap peas the same thing?

Though snow peas and snap peas belong to the legume family, they are two distinct varieties of one family. Snow peas and garden peas are the parents of sugar snap peas.

In contrast to sugar snap peas, whose pods are more spherical, snow peas have more petite, immature peas. Despite having relatively comparable flavors and the same nutrient composition, sugar snap peas are typically sweet and tastier.

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