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Can Dogs Eat Tangerines | Here’s Everything You Need to Know

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Has it ever happened to you that you’re having tangerines, and your four-legged friend is staring at you with their big, sad eyes?

And you’ve wondered, “Can dogs eat tangerines?”

Tangerines are great citrus fruits.

They have loads of vitamin C along with other essential nutrients.

And they’re somewhat sweeter compared to oranges.

BUT, can your dog eat tangerines? Is it okay if you share some segments with your furry buddy?

Come, let’s find out!

Can Dogs Have Tangerines?

The answer is “yes,” they can.

BUT only within reason.

Citrus fruits such as tangerines are safe and sometimes even beneficial when given to your pup in moderate amounts.

However, if they eat too many of them, they CAN have health problems.

To know more, keep reading.

Advantages of Giving Tangerines to Your Dog

Advantages of Giving Tangerines to Your Dog

Following are some benefits of tangerines for dogs:

  • Tangerines are low in sodium and rich in potassium, dietary fiber, folate, and thiamine. And not to mention, they have high levels of vitamin C.

So, how can vitamin C help your pup?

Well, vitamin C can give your dog’s immune system a huge boost. And with that, it can help prevent certain diseases.

  • Now, what if your doggo eats toxic foods such as certain kinds of nuts?

In that case, some experts believe that if you give your pup tangerines, it might help clean your pup’s stomach.

Is your canine companion overweight?

Then, instead of feeding them with calorie-rich treats, give them tangerines.

  • Dogs can produce vitamin C in their body.

Now, does your pup perform constant physical activities?

Or, does your pup get stressed frequently?

If your answer to both these questions is “yes,” then know that your dog’s liver might not be able to synthesize this vitamin.

This is where consuming tangerines can be good for their health.

And, if your answer to both the questions is “no,” then also, a little extra dose of vitamin C won’t do any harm to them!

  • Vitamin C in tangerines is a powerful antioxidant. It searches for free radicals in your furball’s body that are potentially harmful.

And it fights with them so that they can’t damage your dog’s cells.

  • This vitamin C can help your pup in reducing inflammation in their body.

And not to mention, it has the power to slow the signs of aging too.

  • The vitamin C in tangerine helps a lot in producing collagen in your pup’s body.

The benefit?

It can contribute to having healthy fur and strong bones.

Are Tangerines Harmful to Your Dog in Any Way?

Now you already know that you can feed tangerine to your dog.

But are they safe?

Read on.

  • Does your dog have sensitive gastrointestinal systems?

Then it’s better that you don’t feed tangerine to your dog at all.

Tangerines have natural sugar in them. And it’s also acidic. So, giving this to your dog can lead to having an upset stomach.

Not sure if your beloved doggo has this health condition?

Give them a small piece first. Then, see if they have any reaction to it.

If your dog doesn’t have any stomach issues, then you can feed them tangerine safely.

  • Dogs of all sizes, breeds, and ages can consume tangerine safely.

But, if you feed a lot of tangerines to your dog, that’ll mean they have too much sugar. It can lead to hyperactivity in your pup.

And if you feed them tangerines repeatedly, this can lead to health problems such as weight gain, heart issues, pancreatitis, and diabetes. This can make any existing health condition worse.

Now, is your furry friend already overweight? Or, do they have diabetes?

Then you should avoid feeding them tangerines at all costs.

As there’s natural sugar in this citrus fruit, it’s not that bad.

However, if your canine companion has diabetes, consuming tangerine can cause a spike in their blood sugar level. And if you feed them in large amounts, this can lead to gaining extra calories.

  • For some dogs, tangerines can be difficult for swallowing if it’s not prepared properly. In addition, it can lead to choking hazards for your pup. And you don’t want that, right?

Before you give anything new to your pup to eat, we always suggest that you talk to your vet first.

How Many Tangerines Can Your Dog Eat in a Day?

How Many Tangerines Can Your Dog Eat in a Day?

If you’re thinking of giving your pup some tangerine, don’t give them more than two segments of tangerine in a day.

Upon eating, how their stomach will react or how much time it will take to digest – depends a lot on the size and breed of your dog. It’s a no-brainer that a smaller dog can tolerate fewer tangerines than larger dogs.

Do you have Akitas or German Shepherds as your pet?

Then you might give them two segments of tangerine – it won’t be an issue.

Now, do you have a smaller dog breed such as a Chihuahua or Pomeranian?

Then they would end up having an upset stomach if they ate the same amount of tangerine.

Remember, when you’re giving your dog a treat, make sure that it doesn’t make up for over 10% of their daily calorie intake.

If you have puppies, they’ll be more susceptible to stomach upset than a larger breed of dog. So, give them only a tiny amount of tangerine and that too without the peels and seeds.

Now, in case your dog eats a lot of tangerines, and you notice anything unusual, make sure to contact your vet immediately.

Can Dogs Eat Tangerine Peels, Pith, and Seeds?

Avoid giving tangerine peels, seed, and pith to your furry buddy.


Because these parts of tangerines may have trace amounts of toxic compounds.

Check the segment of tangerines. Make sure that there are no seeds before giving them to your beloved pup.


Because it can be a choking hazard.

Coming to tangerine peels, they are not toxic for your furry buddy. But, they can be difficult for your pup to digest. And if they fail to digest, they might suffer from an upset stomach.

The peels can also create a potentially life-threatening and dangerous blockage in their gastrointestinal tract. If this happens, your dog might need emergency surgery. However, this can happen in very rare cases.

Now, did we tell you that the pith of tangerine is filled with antioxidants and dietary fiber?

And it’s free from acid and sugar too.

This means, if your pup eats tangerine pith, it won’t upset their stomach.

All you have to do is make sure to remove the pith from the peel properly.

After all, it’s the healthiest part of tangerine for your dog.

Can a Pregnant Dog Eat Tangerines?

Can a Pregnant Dog Eat Tangerines?

The answer is “yes.” Pregnant dogs can have tangerines.

In general, this citrus fruit doesn’t cause any harm to a pregnant dog.

However, be careful about the amount of tangerine that you’re going to give them.

Tangerines have a high level of vitamin C, and if you’re not careful about the amount, a high amount of this vitamin C can result in some complications to your pup’s pregnancy. The complications might include miscarriage or certain birth defects.

Can Elderly Dogs Have Tangerines?

Yes, but only in moderate amounts.

While some properties in tangerines are actually good for the health of an elderly dog, some properties are not. Those properties can increase their blood pressure. And that, in turn, may give rise to heart problems.

Can Nursing Dogs Have Tangerines?

Yes, but just as we said for pregnant dogs, you should be careful about the amount you’re feeding your pup.

It’s because of the high amount of vitamin C that it contains.

Too much vitamin C can cause a nursing dog’s milk to curdle. This means they will no longer be able to breastfeed their puppies.

Can Diabetic Dogs Have Tangerines?

Can Diabetic Dogs Have Tangerines?

If your dog is diabetic, refrain from giving them tangerine.

Tangerines have high levels of vitamin C, and consuming them would heighten their blood glucose levels.

So avoiding this citrus fruit altogether would be a good decision.

Can Dogs Eat Tangerines Every Day?

Well, you can offer tangerine to your dog every day. This will not create any problem.

However, you do have to keep track of how many tangerines you’re feeding them. Don’t let them overindulge themselves in tangerines.

Can Dogs Have Oranges, Mandarins, and Clementine’s?

Can Dogs Have Oranges, Mandarins, and Clementine's?

Yes, your dog can have these citrus fruits. You only have to make sure that they are peeled and fed in tiny amounts while giving them these fruits.

Mandarin oranges come in a slightly different flavor than standard oranges. Also, they’re flat on the ends.

Clementines, similar to tangerines, fall under the group of mandarin oranges.

Compared to oranges, mandarins and Clementines are a bit sweeter.

So, if your furry buddy is overweight or diabetic, you need to be extra careful while feeding them these fruits.

To stay on the safe side, offer these citrus fruits to your dog only if they’re in good health condition.

Here’s a rule of thumb.

For large dogs, don’t give them these fruits more than whole fruit.

And for small dogs, don’t give them more than half of the fruit.

Can Dogs Have Other Kinds of Citrus Fruits?

Yes, dogs can have the fleshy part of citrus fruits, such as limes, grapefruits, and lemons.

However, most dogs are not very fond of them because of their tart and acidic flavor.

Avoid feeding the peels and seeds of all these citrus fruits, as they can cause a choking hazard for your furry friend.

And it can give rise to gastrointestinal issues too.

Can Dogs Have Tangerine Juice?

Can Dogs Have Tangerine Juice?

If you want to avoid choking hazards, then juicing tangerines can be a good option.

However, from the health aspect, it’s not good for your pup.

Even if you squeeze it freshly, Tangerine juice is a concentrated source of natural sugars and citric acid that you can find in the fruit itself.

In general, you should avoid feeding sugar to your furry friend.


Because it can lead to many health issues.

And over time, the tooth enamel of your dog might get destroyed because of the acidic content of tangerine juice.

Juice can never be a substitute for water. So give your furry friend water if you want to keep them hydrated.

How to Prepare Tangerine for Your Dog?

Tangerines are safe for your dog to eat. Still, you need to be careful while preparing them for your furry buddy.

Now, how should you prepare them?

Get rid of the tangerine peels and pith. Always pay extra attention while doing so, as this step is crucial.

There are essential oils in these parts. These oils can be harmful to your dog if they consume them in large amounts.

Well, you can peel tangerines easily, and you need just a bit more care to remove the pith.

Generally, tangerines are seedless, but why take chances?

Check the tangerine thoroughly for seeds and if you find any, get rid of it completely.

Now, is this the first time that you’re offering tangerines to your canine companion?

Then give them a tiny piece to check if they like it or not.

There’s another thing that you can do to be safe.

Cut the tangerine segment into a manageable, bite-sized piece.

Just as you’d do with any other new food, give your pup small amounts of this fruit, slowly over time.

See if they can digest it. Check for signs of an upset stomach. If you see that your pup couldn’t digest the fruit and have issues, stop feeding them tangerine.

And take them to see a vet immediately.

Don’t give your dog a lot of new food. It doesn’t matter how healthy it is. Instead, take your time and feed them slowly. Their stomach needs to adjust too.

How Can You Serve Tangerines to Your Dog?

So how can you treat your beloved four-legged friend with tangerine?

Now, before we give you some ideas, let’s remind you again first.

ALWAYS make sure to remove the peel, seeds, and pith from the tangerine. And DON’T give your pup the entire fruit. Instead, divide it into small segments and then feed them.

Want to give your furball a mixed salad?

Take some dog-friendly vegetables and fruits. You can include carrots, celery, cucumber, and apples. Now add tangerine slices to it. For the dressing, you can use a bit of freshly-squeezed tangerine juice.

Want to feed your pup some refreshing summer snack?

Take some tangerine segments and freeze them. Once ready, feed them to your pup.

Don’t give store-bought tangerine flavored drinks and snacks or tangerine juices to your doggo. They’re loaded with artificial sugar and can affect your pup’s health in a very bad way.

Tangerine Poisoning in Dogs

If you remember, we have already mentioned that tangerines can be toxic in rare cases unless you give your pup a large amount to eat. If there’s anything toxic in this citrus fruit, it’s its peel. This can also be a choking hazard. It’s extremely thick and hard to digest.

Now, how will you understand if your dog has tangerine poisoning?

Look for these symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Depression
  • Muscle tremors and spasms
  • Drooling

Tangerine Poisoning in Dogs: How to Diagnose?

Tangerine Poisoning in Dogs: How to Diagnose?

In order to diagnose tangerine poisoning in your dog, the first thing that a vet does is perform a physical exam.

They’ll check for obstructions as well as inflammations in your pup’s upper airway, throat, and esophagus. For this, they may also use an endoscope. If they notice any foreign material, they’ll insert a tool to remove it.

In case your dog shows any kind of cardiac symptoms, your vet might perform an electrocardiogram (EKG) too. They do this to check if there’s any abnormality.

Urine and blood tests will also be done. This is to check the CBC, serum biochemistry profile, and blood glucose.

Your pup might need some additional tests, too, such as ultrasound, MRI, CT scan, and x-rays.

Tangerine Poisoning in Dogs: Treatment

The treatment for tangerine poisoning is quite similar to the treatment for other cases of poisoning. It includes:

  • Getting rid of the poison

Your vet might give your dog an emetic (peroxide or ipecac). This is to induce vomiting. Also, they might make use of activated charcoal. This is to absorb the remaining toxins if any.

  • Detoxification

In order to wash away undigested fruit residue, if any, your vet might perform gastric lavage. They’ll also give IV fluids. This is to rehydrate your pup and flush their kidneys.

  • Medication

Is your pup still vomiting? Then your vet might give them antiemetic. And for garlic distress, they might give stomach protectants.

In almost all cases of tangerine poisoning, vets don’t really tell people to hospitalize their pets.

So, your vet might tell you to go home after providing the treatment.

After getting treatment, keep your dog under observation for the first few days. Don’t let them get dehydrated. Instead, offer plenty of water to drink throughout the day. And give them food that’s easy on the stomach.

Does your furry friend like to have tangerines? What about other fruits?

Let us know in the comments below!

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