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Amazing Yet Scariest Dog Breeds You Need to Know

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What comes to your mind when someone mentions dog breeds? We usually tend to think of domestic species which have been well-trained. Conversely, you might think of the friendly neighborhood dog which playfully greets you at your home’s door.

However, these might not be the only dog breeds that you encounter. Several dog breeds are much more aggressive or fierce in their demeanor. Of course, you need to be cautious of them, but at the same time, their rugged assertiveness is impressive in its own way.

Also Read: How to Calm an Aggressive Dog (Effective Aggression Training Tips)

What Makes A Dog Scary?

What Makes A Dog Scary

Some of the factors which determine whether a dog appears scary to other humans include its size, color, build, bark, teeth, personality, etc.

As far as size is concerned, bigger is generally considered to be more intimidating. Research studies show that the color black tends to have a greater visual impact. Although the reason is unclear, it may have something to do with cultural associations of color with police activities.

A large mouth, broad shoulders, and prominent teeth also contribute to the scary factor of the dogs. Finally, some dogs tend to be less docile around unfamiliar humans, and they will be openly hostile toward them.

The most typical use of a scary dog is to protect your home against unfamiliar individuals. The last thing that an intruder wants is to come across an unfriendly hound roaming around the place unleashed. This idea is enough to ward off trespassers who might think of looting your house while you are not around.

Following is a brief list of such scary dogs, along with other fun facts about them.

List of # Scariest Dog Breed

We shall discuss the history of the breeds, as to how they have traditionally been viewed by humans. Also, we shall discuss some of their unique characteristics, along with how you can take good care of them. Following is a brief list of the most prominent dog breeds:

1. Great Dane

Origins: Great Danes are considered to have originated in Germany around 400 years ago. Such was the importance of the dog that it was deployed to protect the estates of the landlords and other feudal elements. These dogs were also used for hunting purposes, to take on potential prey animals, such as wild boar.

Characteristics: Great Danes are powerful dogs with a royal appearance. They usually reach up to 30 inches in height and weigh anywhere from 60 to 80 kilos. The Great Dane can become undisciplined, and because of this, obedience training should be given. In case this is not handled correctly, it can result in aggression or fearfulness due to improper socialization. Some dogs of the variety possess an instinct to chase cats or other such running animals.

Care: The Great Dane has a greater appetite than other breeds. In case they undergo medical surgery, they would require greater doses of anesthesia as well. As far as grooming is concerned, their short coat of fur ensures that they require less maintenance in that area. However, they tend to shed throughout the year, in addition to drooling a lot. It requires moderate exercise; however, it needs to be given its own space.

2. Pitbull


Origins: It is claimed that the Pitbull was initially reared for bullfighting purposes. They generally originated in the United Kingdom as a result of interbreeding. The objective was to combine the terrier’s hunting abilities with the bulldog’s strength. Bullfighting requires the dog to have many specific traits, including developed muscles and strong jaws.

Characteristics: The identity of the pitbull species is a bit complex. Various breeds might be recognized as under the pitbull category, for instance, the American pit bull terrier, the Staffordshire bull terrier, and so on.

Care: A pitbull usually tends to be aggressive in its behavior; consequently, there tends to be some misunderstanding about the proper way of raising it. It is essential to understand the natural needs and instincts of the dog. In case of misbehavior, the owner needs to withhold their attention. It should be understood that the dog may sometimes not comprehend what the intention of the owner is. It is, in fact, their loyalty to their owner that pushes them to fight other dogs.

Pitbulls tend to show a high tolerance for pain due to their historic breeding of fighting other dogs and animals.

3. Akita

Origins: The Akita is naturally related to better-known breeds, such as huskies and chow-chows. The Akita, much more commonly found in Japan, is a member of the Spitz group of dogs. They typically have a dense fur coat on their bodies and a long tail that winds across.

It is claimed that the ancestors of the Akita, the Matagiinu, served as hunting companions to humans. The skills of the Akita Matagiinu lay in their tracking abilities. Additionally, their loyalty to their owners was also prized.

Characteristics: The Akita is a rather solemn breed. It holds itself in calm dignity and rarely barks.

It is physically robust and remains aloof from strangers.

An Akita may be highly aggressive with another dog of the same sex, so they should not be left together. Akitas are also highly possessive of their food.

Care: Training an Akita can be challenging, for it is assertive and strong-willed. Discipline is required while training them. It is recommended that the Akita is socialized as early as possible.

4. Rottweiler


Origins: We often hear about the working class, but have you ever heard of a dog for the working class? It is fascinating to learn that the Rottweiler functioned as a butcher’s dog in medieval times. While the butcher was purchasing meat and transporting it, the Rottweiler served as protection against other people as well as cattle. With the onset of industrialization in the early 19th century, the Rottweiler nearly died out. This was due to the decrease in demand due to the lesser requirement of herding cattle or on-road protection.

Characteristics: They have compact and muscular bodies. They do not take strangers easily and may tend to behave aggressively around them. Since they possess enough energy, they need constant stimulation. Obedience training is required for the dog so that they might not conduct unpleasantly with other family members.

5. Rhodesian Ridgeback

Origins: The Rhodesian Ridgeback’s origins are connected with the history of colonialism. It is almost similar to an intercultural encounter between different cultures of humans. They are a cross between the Khoikhoi dogs and other European breeds. In the 19th century, they were used to distract lions and other animals, such as leopards, for game purposes.

Characteristics: The Ridgeback has a whitish color. It is pretty fast in all its movements. They have a severe temperament and show love and respect to their owners but are aloof from unfamiliar persons.

Care: The Rhodesian Ridgeback has a short coat, so it does not require a lot of grooming. Shortening their nails regularly with a grinder is also advisable.

6. Bullmastiff


Origins: The Bullmastiff has its origin in England, and it is an intermixture between the English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog. Such a dog became the ideal dog that could be used to keep poachers out of the grounds of the gamekeepers in 18th century England.

From the mastiff, the attributes carried on were more significant than average size and superior strength. In contrast, the features sought to be imbibed from the English Bulldog were its aggressive tendencies and toughness.

Characteristics: The Bullmastiff is smaller than the regular mastiff, yet it can be considered a large dog by all standards. Their brindle and fawn coat serves to effectively camouflage them during the night, thus allowing them to act as vigilantes.

7. Alaskan Malamutes

Origins: The Alaskan malamute was originally bred for pulling heavy freight. They may be one of the oldest surviving dog breeds out there. It is believed that they might have crossed the Bering Strait along with the natives of Siberia. Post the Second World War; the malamute nearly became extinct.

Characteristics:  Malamutes have athletic and muscular bodies with wooly exteriors.

While the malamute is docile around people, it can become aggressive with other animals. It can also often behave in a predatory fashion, chasing around cats and other smaller animals. It is also highly protective of its food and becomes insecure if it believes it will be snatched from it.

Care: The malamute is not a breed that likes to be at rest. It needs a regular dose of exercise. Remember that its ancestors were born to pull heavy weights like sleds across the ice. Your pet malamute has to be similarly engaged in such intensive activities.

9. Giant Schnauzers

Giant Schnauzers

Origins: The Giant Schnauzer is named after its snout: the word “Schnauze” literally translates into snout or muzzle. It was bred by cattlemen in Bavaria, who required a large-sized dog that could be used to herd the cattle. The color of the Schnauzer varies between salt and pepper and a solid black.

Schnauzers tend to be a bit stubborn, which can turn out to be a problem for the owner.

Care: The dog was originally bred for herding cattle in Germany and had a wiry coat to serve as a protective layer. This coat requires a lot of regular grooming. The grooming might be done by hand stripping or by trimming, which would require the use of scissors and clippers. They need a lot of exercise, which may be in the form of playtime, or roaming around the garden.

It may be noted that this breed is specifically susceptible to a few diseases, such as hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, etc.

10. Doberman

Origins: The Doberman Pinscher emerged in Germany towards the beginning of the 20th century. Characteristically, it has been utilized as a watchdog in war or policing situations.

Characteristics: The Doberman Pinscher is usually medium to large-sized. Despite its grim outlook, it is a loveable breed that can live remarkably docile under the required circumstances. In addition, it can also adapt to a variety of living situations. The Doberman’s tendency to bark is low compared to other breeds, while its trainability, intelligence, and energy level are all on the higher end. The Doberman is known to have loyalties only to a single person, i.e., the person who feeds and takes care of him.

Care: The dog’s ears need to be cropped in a manner they are erect. Also, the tail has to be docked. The surgery has to be performed at the second joint of the tail. The Doberman Pinscher specifically requires daily exercise. Dobermans are usually quite fast in picking up any sort of instructions that are being provided to them. A short wire brush may be used to clean the debris from the dog’s coat.

USP: The intelligence of the Doberman is what sets it apart from other dog breeds. They are considered the premium dog breed for getting trained as police dogs. Their ability to pick out the perceived threat in a situation is their leading utility. They are known to possess good adaptive intelligence too. In other words, in an unfamiliar situation, it can learn by itself without requiring human intervention. In addition, Dobermans are highly obedient too. They will obey a command which they are familiar with almost all of the time.


In this article, we have discussed several dog breeds. A lot of them were initially used for purposes of guarding or herding, thus lending to their aggressive nature. It is possible to get intimidated by them because of these features. However, they are amazing in their manner and attributes; that has been our focus here.

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