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7 Home Remedies for Dog Shedding (Tips and Guide)

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While many new and would-be dog owners are prepared to feed their pup a good diet and are willing to walk their pooch morning, noon and night, there are always a few surprises, like excessive dog shedding.

For example, some dog breeds shed unthinkable amounts of hair – a fact that many new owners fail to consider when choosing a breed.

For some owners, heavy shedding amounts to nothing more than a minor nuisance, but for others (especially allergy sufferers), it can be overwhelming.

Fortunately, there are a few effective dog shedding home remedies that you can add to your efforts.

We’ll discuss tips to stop dog shedding at home and other aspects of excessive shedding in dogs below.

And if you have any questions or have developed your own ways of coping with your dog’s shed fur, let us know in the comments below.

Home Remedies for Dog Shedding

Dog Shedding Remedies 

Whether your pup is one of the infamous high-shedding dog breeds or not, you can take several steps to help mitigate the problem.

Some of the best ways to stop dog shedding at home include:

1. Provide Your Dog with a Diet Rich in Omega Fatty Acids

Skin and coat problems can cause any dog to shed more frequently or in greater amounts. Accordingly, you’ll want to ensure your dog’s skin and coat remain as healthy as possible to reduce the prevalence of these types of problems.

One good way to do this is by feeding your dog a diet that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Most high-quality dog foods contain ingredients rich in these acids, such as salmon oil, canola oil, and flaxseed.

However, you can also purchase standalone fish oil supplements that can be added to Fido’s food, or you can simply add about a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil to your pup’s dinner every day.

Home Remedies for Dog Shedding

2. Brush Your Dog Outside

If your dog is a moderate shedder, you may only need to brush him a couple of times per week to get the shedding problem under control, but you may have to brush serious shedders on a daily basis.

However, brushing your dog outside will significantly reduce the amount of hair that ends up on your floors and furniture, and most dogs love a good brushing.

We like the Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker Brush found on Amazon. We’ve also written a guide to the best dog shedding brushes, which includes tips, tools for brushing, deshedding, and dematting.

Home Remedies for Dog Shedding

3. Bathe Your Dog Regularly

Like brushing, regular bathing is another great dog shedding remedy as it will remove some of your dog’s hair in a controlled manner.

You’ll want to use a good drain guard to keep from clogging up your pipes, and you may find it necessary to clean wet fur from the walls of your bathroom once you are done, but this is still easier than cleaning fur spread throughout your house.

Always use a proper dog shedding shampoo to avoid irritating your dog’s skin and hair follicles. Additionally, it is important not to bathe your dog too frequently, as this can lead to coat and skin problems.

Limit your dog’s baths to once a week or less frequently, unless your veterinarian advises otherwise.

SEE ALSO: How To Clean Your Dog Between Baths

4. Keep Well-Known Allergens Out of Your Dog’s Diet

Dogs suffering from food allergies often shed more than their unafflicted counterparts do. Such dogs not only suffer itchy skin, but they can also develop bald patches.

If you believe your dog may be suffering from food allergies, speak with your vet, who can confirm the diagnosis and recommend a treatment strategy.

Fortunately, food allergies are sometimes easy to correct. You simply need to change your dog’s diet to a quality hypoallergenic dog food that lacks the allergic triggers, which can be troubling for your pooch.

Some of the most common allergens include chicken, beef, eggs, artificial colors, artificial flavors, corn, wheat, and soy.

Home Remedies for Dog Shedding

5. Invest in a High-Quality Pet Vacuum

No matter what you do to reduce the amount of dog shedding, you’ll still need to clean up the hair he does deposit around your house.

While any vacuum cleaner will prove helpful in this regard, vacuums designed specifically for homes with pets are usually far better suited to the task.

Many vacuums designed to deal with pet hair provide very powerful suction and special attachments to help remove the hair from your carpet, curtains, and couch.

Additionally, most of the best vacuums for pet hair also possess powerful filtration units, which help to remove the smallest bits of dander, which often cause allergy-sufferers’ symptoms to flare.

SEE ALSO: 5 Best Dog Clippers for Grooming Large Dogs

Home Remedies for Dog Shedding

6. Keep Your Dog Free of Fleas

While the occasional flea won’t cause your dog much distress, full-blown flea infestations can often cause a dog to experience coat and skin problems leading to shedding dog hair. Some dogs may even develop a sensitivity to the flea bites (called flea allergy dermatitis), which can lead to redness, swelling and hair loss.

The best way to eliminate flea problems is through the use of a preventative flea medication. There are a variety of different options on the market, and most are affordable, effective and easy to apply.

RELATED: 5 Best Flea and Tick Collars for Dogs

7. Use Supplements That Help With Dog Shedding

Omega-3 is one of the best supplements to reduce shedding in dogs. It’s important for healthy skin and strong fur. Even a dog food with decent amounts of omega-3 may not be enough – sometimes it gets destroyed during the cooking process.

Fish oil is one of the best sources of omega-3 out there. A dog fish oil supplement could be just the thing you need to really help reduce your dog’s shedding.

We recommend supplementing with Pure Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for Dogs & Cats. It’s a bestseller on Amazon with a very high customer rating. More than 4,000 people have left reviews, making the high rating even more impressive.

Beyond just reducing your dog’s shedding, Zesty Paws Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil is a natural fish oil additive supplement that supports the skin, coat, hips and joints, heart, and immune system. That makes it a great choice to improve your dog’s overall health.

A handful of people reported that it made their dogs sick, and there were a fair amount of complaints about the bottle leaking. However, the VAST majority of customers have been using this product for months to years and have seen incredible results. Everything from shinier coats to reduced shedding to improved mobility in senior dogs was reported.

What Causes Excessive Dog Shedding?

While humans only have one layer of hair, many dog breeds have two: a topcoat and a downy undercoat.

Like the hair on your head, the hair in the topcoat of a dog sheds a little bit at a time as each hair is replaced by a new one. Most of a dog’s shedding is actually caused by the undercoat, though.

Undercoat grows in to help protect a dog from the elements, usually during the winter and summer. Dogs who live in climate-controlled homes, however, may grow and “blow” their undercoat as often as four times per year.

A certain amount of shed hair is normal, but dogs with dry skin, poor diets, or health conditions like Cushing’s disease may shed even more than normal. If you’re concerned about how much your dog is shedding, or they start shedding more than usual, talk to your vet.

Heavy Shedding and Low Shedding Dog Breeds

As stated above, some breeds shed more hair than others do. Typically, long-haired breeds cause more problems, but even some short-haired dog breeds will shed enough hair to cover everything you own.

Conversely, there are several dog breeds that don’t shed a lot and make great choices for homes sensitive to dog hair.

If you suffer from allergies or you are not comfortable wading through waist-deep piles of fur, avoid the following breeds:

  • Alaskan malamute
  • Bassett hound
  • Bearded Collie
  • Boxer
  • Cardigan Welsh corgi
  • Doberman pinscher
  • German shepherd
  • Giant schnauzer
  • Golden retriever
  • Great Pyrenees
  • Labrador retriever
  • Pekingese
  • Pit bulls / American Staffordshire terrier
  • Pug
  • Rottweiler
  • Saint Bernard
  • Shar-Pei
  • Shetland sheepdog
  • Shiba Inu
  • Siberian husky
  • West Highland white terrier

On the other hand, the following breeds shed very little and make great choices for allergy sufferers and other homes averse to copious amounts of hair:

  • Basenji
  • Belgian Malinois
  • Bichon Frise
  • Boston terrier
  • Chihuahua
  • Chinese crested
  • Cockapoo
  • Goldendoodle
  • Maltese
  • Miniature pinscher
  • Papillon
  • Poodle
  • Puli
  • Scottish terrier
  • Whippet
  • Yorkshire terrier

When Do Puppies Shed Their Puppy Coat?

All dogs are born with a puppy coat that’s finer, fluffier, or softer than their adult coat. They shed their puppy coat and grow in their adult coat between 3 and 6 months of age.

Home Remedies for Dog Shedding

Grooming Tips to Control Dog Shedding

The simplest brushing tip to reduce dog shedding is to use more than one type of brush on your dog. Varying types of brushes work in different ways and get out different layers of fur, so having more than one tool can help you remove more shedding hair.

It’s also important to keep in mind that dogs have sensitive skin that can be damaged by brushing that is too rough or repetitive. Don’t make more than three strokes in the same place with the same tool before moving on, and stay mindful of how much pressure you are using.

Here are some more specific dog shedding remedies based on the coat type of your dog.

1. Short-Haired Dogs (Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler, Beagle)

The best, gentlest brush you can use on a dog with short hair is a rubber curry-style brush like the Zoom Groom. Since short-haired dogs shed year-round, a rubber brush is gentle enough to use every day to help reduce how much fur your dog leaves around your home.

Another tool that can help gently remove loose hair is a greyhound comb. This can help you remove a deeper layer of undercoat than a rubber brush.

The final tool you will want is a deshedding tool like a FURminator. This tool can remove an amazing amount of hair, but it can also be tough on your dog’s skin and even cause bald spots with overuse. Don’t use a FURminator more than once a week, don’t use too much pressure, and don’t go over any one area too many times.

Home Remedies for Dog Shedding

2. Short-Haired Thick-Coated Dogs (Siberian Husky, German Shepherd, Shiba Inu)

While you can use a comb and a FURminator on these types of dogs, a rubber brush won’t work as well on this thick fur.

The first brush you’ll want to use on this type of fur is a slicker brush. As long as you aren’t too rough with it, you can use a slicker brush every day. A slicker brush is an especially good tool to use when your thick-coated dog is blowing out their undercoat in tufts.

Another great tool for dogs with thick coats is an undercoat rake. While it functions like a comb, it is much easier on your hands to use for the length of time you’ll need to use it when your dog is blowing their coat.

3. Medium- and Long-Coated Fluffy Dogs (Golden Retriever, Bernese Mountain Dog, Newfoundland)

The first tool you should use on dogs with this type of coat is a slicker brush. Not only will it help remove undercoat, but it’s the best tool to remove mats that aren’t too tight.

After using a slicker brush, you will want to use an undercoat rake in this style, followed by one of this style. Rotating between all three of these tools will remove the most amount of undercoat from your dog.

Will Shaving My Dog Help Them Shed Less?

It’s a common misconception that shaving a dog will help it shed less. The reality is that your dog will still shed. The shed hairs will just be shorter. Often, this results in hair “splinters” that become embedded in furniture and clothing.

Shaving a double-coated dog can also cause other problems. The coat may not grow back right. You’re also removing a big part of their temperature regulation system.

For more information about the risks and benefits of shaving your dog, talk to your vet or a groomer.

Home Remedies for Dog Shedding

Pro Tip! A Groomer’s Secret Tool to Stop Dog Shedding at Home

The best tool for removing loose hair from your dog is not a brush at all – it’s a high-velocity dryer. This dryer is nothing like the one you use on yourself. Instead of using heat, it uses forceful air to blast fur and/or water off your dog.

While some dogs don’t like the sound or the feeling of a high-velocity dryer, it is the most efficient way to remove loose hair from your dog. As long as you don’t use one with a heat setting, it’s gentle on your dog’s skin as well as easier on your hands than using any type of brush.

A high-velocity dryer can be used on a wet or dry coat. Either way, it’s best to use it outdoors or in a garage, if you can, because the fur will fly everywhere.

If you can’t blow your dog outside, keep your bathroom door closed tight with a towel blocking the crack underneath to prevent the fur from blowing around your entire home.

One tip – you should keep the nozzle as close to your dog’s skin as possible (well, it should still be at least a couple of inches away from the skin and not touching it). This directs the most force toward your dog and blasts out the most amount of undercoat.

For our high-velocity dryer recommendations, be sure to read our guide: 5 Best Dog Hair Dryers for Home Use.

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1 thought on “7 Home Remedies for Dog Shedding (Tips and Guide)”

  1. I have a German Shepherd/Siberian Husky mix and when he is blowing his coat it sure is noticeable. The fur I can get off him at each groom is unbelievable sometimes. During his blow I groom him twice a day with an undercoat rake and finish of with a slicker brush.

    All part of dog ownership. 🙂


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